20 December 2010

Letting Go and Opening

by Stephanie F. Earls

Overnight tonight we will experience the winter solstice, a beautiful time of year when we reach the depth of darkness and cross through into the emergence of light.  This is the beginning of longer daylight and our internal opening and unfolding.  This year the solstice coincides with a total lunar eclipse and from several things I have read and heard, this makes for a powerful combination and opportunity to let go of old patterns and renew, to continue to manifest our best selves.  It is a chance to make space.

Whether you take the astrological events into consideration or not, even with moving toward the end of the calendar year, we are all in a place where we understand on some level that certain things are coming to a close and new things are beginning.

We can use these energetic and heavenly events to help us along in letting go of anything that we feel has served us well but which is no longer encouraging our growth. Letting go is a chance to make space for new patterns, new habits, new breath so we can renew and continue to grow.

Take a moment, forget about any big issues or decisions in your life. Just come to notice your breath, anywhere you feel your breath moving in your body. And as I say in class, there is no need to change anything. No need to decide whether your breath is right or wrong. Simply notice your breath.

Now beginning to work with the breath, before you can renew, before you can take in the fresh and beneficial, you must let go of the air inside your body which you've already used. Try this: take a breath in. Exhale only half the breath. Breathe this way a few times. How does it feel?

Next, try this: begin with an exhale, let go of as much air as you can. Exhale completely. Use the power of your naval center and diaphragm to draw the belly in and help you push the air in your lungs all the way out. Empty.  Now, inhale. Inhale completely, fill your lungs all the way into your belly. Take a few rounds of breaths this way, completely letting go of the air in your body and then completely refilling. How do you feel?

By emptying completely we make room for new, fresh vital energy. We make room for growth, for health. We make space which can give us new perspective.

This concept can be practiced with the breath which alone will bring magical change into your body and life.  From the breath, you can extend the concept into your life in any way you feel will be beneficial for you.  You might have a closet full of clothes you do not wear. Let some things go,  make space.  You might make room for things that suit you now instead of how you were 8 years ago.  Or, space alone might give you perspective on what you have.

Check your thoughts. Are they holding you back or encouraging you? Does your mental "soundtrack" tell you how inadequate you are? If anything you hear in your mind weighs you down, see if you can use the breath and exhale those thoughts.  Let go, offer up old, unhelpful thoughts (to the solstice eclipse if that helps) and let that pattern of negative thought go free so that you have space in your brain for new, healthy thoughts.   Inhale the thought that you are perfect just the way you are. Turn toward growth, let your mental "soundtrack" nourish you. Carve a new pattern. Make space, and whether in actuality or in perspective, see what comes in!

Now you do not need me to walk you through too many more examples. By this time you've probably had an old habit or thought pattern or cluttered space pop into your mind and that's the perfect one (or two) to offer up as we come through this change and time of year.  We've all got something to set free so we can free ourselves. Which is not to say it's easy.  It might be a little scary, letting go of something safe and familiar. It might be tough. But not tougher than you.

Be brave.  Be patient.  Be kind to yourself.  Keep your heart open and ask yourself permission to let go of anything which has served you well but which no longer encourages your growth. Inhale through your nose, open your mouth and exhale through your mouth, completely. Try this three times, keeping your intention in mind.  Let go and open to the new strength, deep compassion and the truth of you that you are uncovering. One breath at a time.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS! Amazing to just do these simple breathing exercises and FEEL the difference in the body. Simplicity and complexity wrapped together. Thank you!

  2. I'm glad to hear that! Our breath is our life. It is the key to transforming ourselves. Thank you for reading and trying it. :)
