25 March 2012

Lovers and the Night Sky

Stephanie F. Earls

The winter to spring night sky has been spectacular. For the last month or so, planets have been bright. Venus and Jupiter dance with each other and the moon. And at certain times of night Mars hangs across the way with its orange glow. This week in particular mild New England weather, bare trees and the new moon darkness have created the perfect backdrop for spotting bright planets and constellations. The now slivered crescent moon rests low on the horizon just after dark. Look up!

Photos by Stephanie Earls
It's magical.

Stephanie F. Earls

this eternal dance 
is now exposed
sensuality and knowingness
align then twist 
push then pull
spectacular union
(illuminated illusion?)
this night sky is for lovers and thinkers
healers and dreamers

and not alone,
ambition chases the heady hearts
a tricky follow,
this warrior
leaves lovers 
retreating, igniting
igniting, retreating


while underneath
through seemingly silent, barren veins
new life emerges

a sliver
then a rounding,
receptivity mothers this flow
there is no hiding now
no holding back
even darkness cannot mute this dance:
life and light
love and might

hold tight 

or let go

either way
it endures
and you are 
and relevant
and powerless
and unhesitating

you decide
or not

dance or watch
disappear into darkness or light up

this is the place where wishes are made
this quiet dark stillness

this is the place where wishes are fulfilled
this sparkling canopy

this is the place where lovers dance and rest
and find each other

seen by the ones who look up
felt by the ones who see through the dark