by Stephanie F. Earls
Welcome to Breathe Here Blog.
Welcome to Breathe Here Blog.
The end is in the beginning, I have heard…whether it is people we meet or places we go or books we read, if we look at the start we will understand the end even if we are not ready to see it.
If that is true, let me cut to the end here. I am a lover. No matter how in my weak moments I may have tried to ditch love, or I wonder if it is trying to ditch me, it is the one thing that sticks with me, gives me hope, fuels me and is the only reason I can figure we exist at all anyway. It is the reason I keep getting out of bed each morning. It is the reason I practice yoga, it is the thing that I believe will light us up and bring us fully to life in this short chance we have in our bodies.
Have I lost you yet? Too lovey dovey? Well, hold your horses… I am not talking about any old love. Not just kiss your boyfriend (or girlfriend) under a tree love, (though that is super, and a part of what I am talking about)… but big love. Huge, all encompassing, get you dirty, sometimes confusing, forgiving, love.
Think bigger…, think universe. Think, or better yet, feel: breathing - creating - make a tree grow from the ground to the sky- keep you breathing - love.
And anything can fuel this love. For some it might be a romantic idea. For others it might be reading books that fire them up and give them purpose or focus. For others still it might be laughing with good friends, eating a fantastic meal, or even crying. For some love is as simple as just realizing that the breath will work whether you do or not.
Love: light, truth, creative force.
Back to what I was saying: if the end is in the beginning take this as your warning that whatever I put here is going to come from love and my hope is to share with you how love functions in my life and how the breath leads us on our path so that we can learn and grow and share, from our hearts. This does not mean it's always pretty. But it is.
In the end who knows where we will go (not just in this blog, but in our being); through tears, through laughs, through scary, through beautiful. Surely we will go through the whole of everything and it'll all come back to love.
So come with me on this ride through love, or just cut to the end and know that all it was meant to be was a huge hug, a smile and encouragement for peace of mind.
love, steph
That love is all there is, is all we know of love. ~ Emily Dickinson
That love is all there is, is all we know of love. ~ Emily Dickinson
Love is all you need - so say The Beatles as well. What a great quote to end the post.